
Friday, 30 August 2013

ECLIPSE in Windows

For all those facing problems with C++ programming in eclipse in windows

1> Install eclipse compatible to your machine so download accordingly 32-bit or 64-bit.

2>Install JDK according to your machine 32-bit or 64-bit.
Link for 64 bit JDK

3>C++ eclipse IDE doesn't have a compiler of it's own, so download a C++ compiler.
Link for MinGW

4>After installing a compiler it's path needs to be added. So, follow the steps:(for windows 7)
Go to Control Panel

 Open eclipse make a new project selecting mingw gcc and Taa Daa!!! everything works.

 CREDITS--- Saurabh Birari

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Microprocessor Architecture 3rd Assignment

The 2nd assignment "write up" -- preferred batch E4,G4,H4

CREDITS--Mukul Dang

Microprocessor Architecture 2nd Assignment

The 2nd assignment "write up" -- preferred batch E4,G4,H4

CREDITS--Mukul Dang

Microprocessor Architecture 1st Assignment

The 1st assignment "write up" -- preferred batch E4,G4,H4

CREDITS--Mukul Dang

Intel386 DX Microprocessor PDF

The "PDF" file from which Paswan Mam was teaching..


Sunday, 25 August 2013

Discrete Structures "Assignment 2"

The 2nd assignment write up  -- preferred whole C4
For those of you who wants Questions..
As you all  can see ..Que 10.17 is not solved ....mail me the solution if u get it ..

CREDITS--Venkatesh Lokare

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Digital Electronics and Logic Design Assignment 3

The 3rd assignment completed printouts  -- preferred batch F4 

 CREDITS--Twinkle Mehta

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Operating System and Administration Assignment 4

The 4th assignment "write up" and code -- preferred batch F4  
guys you will have to write additional stuff about "infinite while loop" ie..while:
and the exit() function

CREDITS--Twinkle Mehta

Friday, 16 August 2013

Microprocessor Architecture Programming

For the guys like me "struggling" with Microprocessor Architecture programming ....i did some research and found a PDF in the OS Lab ...  Guide_to_Assembly_Language_Programming_in_Linux_2005
The link is given below ..

and also the "NASM"(Netwide Assembler) Manual

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Operating System and Administration Assignment 3

The 3rd assignment "write up" and code -- preferred batch F4  

sorry guys could not change my name ... please do so in your output

echo "Enter user : "
read u
useradd $u
echo "Password : "
read pass
echo $pass | passwd --stdin $u
echo "username $u : password $pass" >> userpass.txt
Enter user 1:
password 1:
Changing password for venky.
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully .
username venky : password 1234

pulse:x:113:121:PulseAudio daemon,,,:/var/run/pulse:/bin/false
mdm:x:110:118:MDM Display Manager:/var/lib/mdm:/bin/false

 CREDITS --Venkatesh Lokare

Operating System and Administration Assignment 2

The 2nd assignment "write up" and code  preferred batch F4  

CREDITS --Avanti Kulkarni

Operating System and Administration Manual

The Link to the Operating System and Administration  Manual for further references is given below

 PS...its also got a bit of Microprocessor Architecture  inside

CREDITS --Ghanshyam Lele

Operating System and Administration - Assignment 1

The output of the various commands used in the first assignment can be downloaded from the link given below

1.Once u go to Google docs for downloading press  "Cltr + S" or just copy the code on any text file.
2.Change my name according to the preferred alternative

or just copy this

cat command--------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~]$ mkdir venky
[oslab@306-A-009 ~]$ cd venky
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ cat > a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ cat > b.txt
;ndsknliponfkdnk dn
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt

wc command---------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ cat > a.txt
this is a txt document
this is written using cat command
this is wriiten in terminal
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ wc -c a.txt
84 a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ wc -m a.txt
84 a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ wc -l a.txt
3 a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ wc -w a.txt
16 a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ wc a.txt
3 16 84 a.txt

ls command---------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ mkdir v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt  v

grep command-------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ grep i a.txt
this is a txt document
this is written using cat command
this is wriiten in terminal
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ grep -c i a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ grep -i i a.txt
this is a txt document
this is written using cat command
this is wriiten in terminal
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ grep -l i a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ grep -n i a.txt
1:this is a txt document
2:this is written using cat command
3:this is wriiten in terminal
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ grep -v w a.txt
this is a txt document
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ grep -w cat a.txt
this is written using cat command
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ grep -w this a.txt
this is a txt document
this is wriiten in terminal

mv command---------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt  v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ mv a.txt v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
b.txt  v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ cd v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt

rm command---------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ cat > c.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt  c.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ rm c.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt

cp command---------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ mkdir v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt  v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ cp b.txt v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt  v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ cd v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ ls
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ cd ..

chmod command------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 venky venky 84 Aug 13 12:40 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 venky venky 34 Aug 13 12:44 b.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ chmod 750 a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ ls -l
total 8
-rwxr-x--- 1 venky venky 84 Aug 13 12:40 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 venky venky 34 Aug 13 12:44 b.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ chmod 462 a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ ls -l
total 8
-r--rw--w- 1 venky venky 84 Aug 13 12:40 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 venky venky 34 Aug 13 12:44 b.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ chmod 777 a.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrwxrwx 1 venky venky 84 Aug 13 12:40 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 venky venky 34 Aug 13 12:44 b.txt


mkdir command------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ mkdir v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt v

rmdir command------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt  v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ rmdir v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ ls
a.txt  b.txt

cd command---------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ cd v
[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky/v] $ cd ..

pwd command--------------------------------------------------------------

[oslab@306-A-009 ~/venky] $ pwd

CREDITS --Venkatesh Lokare

Monday, 12 August 2013

Google comes up with google glass......though for some its old news....but for rest here goes.....

Google Glass (styled "GLΛSS") of the latest  smartphone like hands free technologies introduced. It is a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD) that is being developed by Google in the Project Glass. Most of you must be wondering what it does Google Glass displays information in a smartphone-like hands-free format, that can interact with the Internet via natural  voice commands.
Glass is being developed by Google X, which has worked on other futuristic technologies such as driverless cars. 
According to several Google employees, the Glass was initially projected to be available to the public for "around the cost of current smartphones" by the end of 2012, but other reports stated that the Glass was not expected to be available for purchase by then. 
The Explorer Edition is available to testers and Google I/O developers in the United States for $1,500, to be delivered in early 2013, while the consumer version will be available in 2014 for approximately 300$ to 500$(rumoured).
Google Glass has the ability to take photos and record 720p HD video. While video is recording, a recording light is displayed above the eye, which is unnoticeable to the wearer.

A man controls Google Glass using the touchpad built into the side of the device
A touchpad is located on the side of Google Glass, allowing users to control the device by swiping through a timeline-like interface displayed on the screen. Sliding backward shows current events, such as weather, and sliding forward shows past events, such as phone calls, photos, circle updates, etc.
For the developer Explorer units the technical specs were given as:
  • Android 4.0.4 and higher
  • 640×360 display
  • 5-megapixel camera, capable of 720p video recording
  • Wi-Fi 802.11b/g
  • Bluetooth
  • 16GB storage (12 GB available)
  • Texas Instruments OMAP 4430 SoC 1.2Ghz Dual(ARMv7)
  • 1 GB ram , but 628 MB abailable for developer edition.
  •  gyroscope 
  •  accelerometer 
  •  magnetometer (compass)
  • Ambient light sensing and proximity sensor 

Google Glass applications (Glassware) are free applications built by third-party developers. Glass also uses many existing Google applications, such as google now, google maps, google+, and gmail.
Many developers and companies have built applications for Glass, including news apps, facial recognition, photo manipulation, and sharing to social networks, such as facebook and twitter

Other than the touchpad, Google Glass can be controlled using "voice actions". To activate Glass, wearers tilt their heads 30° upward (which can be altered for preference) or tap the touchpad, and say "O.K., Glass." Once Glass is activated, wearers can say an action, such as "Take a picture", "Record a video", "Hangout with [person/Google+ circle]", "Google 'What year was Wikipedia founded?'", "Give me directions to E-Square", and "Send a message to Ezio Auditore". 

CREDITS --Mukul Dang