
Sunday, 6 October 2013


section .data
rmodemsg db 10,'Processor is in Real Mode'
rmsg_len:equ $-rmodemsg

pmodemsg db 10,'Processor is in Protected Mode'
pmsg_len:equ $-pmodemsg

gdtmsg db 10,'GDT Contents are::'
gmsg_len:equ $-gdtmsg

ldtmsg db 10,'LDT Contents are::'
lmsg_len:equ $-ldtmsg

idtmsg db 10,'IDT Contents are::'
imsg_len:equ $-idtmsg

trmsg db 10,'Task Register Contents are::'
tmsg_len: equ $-trmsg

mswmsg db 10,'Machine Status Word::'
mmsg_len:equ $-mswmsg

colmsg db ':'

nwline db 10

section .bss
gdt resd 1
   resw 1
ldt resw 1
idt resd 1
   resw 1
tr  resw 1

cr0_data resd 1

dnum_buff resb 04

%macro disp 2
mov eax,04
mov ebx,01
mov ecx,%1
mov edx,%2
int 80h

section .text
global _start
smsw eax ;Reading CR0

mov [cr0_data],eax

bt eax,0 ;Checking PE bit(LSB), if 1=Protected Mode, else Real Mode
jc prmode
disp rmodemsg,rmsg_len
jmp nxt1

prmode: disp pmodemsg,pmsg_len

nxt1: sgdt [gdt]
sldt [ldt]
sidt [idt]
str [tr]

disp gdtmsg,gmsg_len

mov bx,[gdt+4]
call disp_num

mov bx,[gdt+2]
call disp_num

disp colmsg,1

mov bx,[gdt]
call disp_num

disp ldtmsg,lmsg_len
mov bx,[ldt]
call disp_num

disp idtmsg,imsg_len

mov bx,[idt+4]
call disp_num

mov bx,[idt+2]
call disp_num

disp colmsg,1

mov bx,[idt]
call disp_num

disp trmsg,tmsg_len

mov bx,[tr]
call disp_num

disp mswmsg,mmsg_len

mov bx,[cr0_data+2]
call disp_num

mov bx,[cr0_data]
call disp_num

disp nwline,1
exit: mov eax,01
mov ebx,00
int 80h

mov esi,dnum_buff ;point esi to buffer

mov ecx,04 ;load number of digits to display

rol bx,4 ;rotate number left by four bits
mov dl,bl ;move lower byte in dl
and dl,0fh ;mask upper digit of byte in dl
add dl,30h ;add 30h to calculate ASCII code
cmp dl,39h ;compare with 39h
jbe skip1 ;if less than 39h skip adding 07 more
add dl,07h ;else add 07
mov [esi],dl ;store ASCII code in buffer
inc esi ;point to next byte
loop up1 ;decrement the count of digits to display
;if not zero jump to repeat

disp dnum_buff,4 ;display the number from buffer


[pict@localhost ~]$ nasm -f elf gddt.asm
[pict@localhost ~]$ ld -m elf_i386 gddt.o -o gddt
[pict@localhost ~]$ ./gddt

Processor is in Protected Mode
GDT Contents are::0024A000:007F
LDT Contents are::0000
IDT Contents are::81E4C000:0FFF
Task Register Contents are::0040
Machine Status Word::80050033
[pict@localhost ~]$

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